
The Rainy Day 雨天


The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; 天冷、陰暗、沉悶; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 下著雨,風也刮個不停; The vine still clings to the moldering […]

the furthest distance in the world


The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don't know that I love you 世界上最遙遠的距離 不是 生與死 而是 我就站在你麵前 你卻不知道我愛你 The furthest distance in […]

We're Just Beginning


We're Just Beginning "We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite…” “我們正在讀一本書的第一章第一行,這本書的頁數是無限的……” I do not kn […]



阿甘正傳經典台詞 序:每一個喜歡《阿甘正傳》的人都能背出的一句話,他的中文意思是:人生就像一盒巧克力,你永遠也不知道下一個吃到的是什麽味道。這是阿甘的媽媽曾經說過的話,其實在這簡單的話語中蘊含著每個 […]

Understanding the One You Love


ng diagnosed with Breast Cancer is a life-changing event. A torrent of feelings wash over the survivor. Suddenly, the world feels like an unsafe place. Little things seem unimportant to the survivor. […]

Levels of nursing Home Staffing


During the week of February 17, 2002, headlines screamed the news - more than 92% of US nursing Homes fail to have an adequate number of staff to provide quality care for elderly residents. Newspapers […]

A blockage in the system


Mr Bush will probably have to swallow all this and more in the shape of, for instance, blocked trade deals. This is not just because he knows that the Democrats' programme is modest and popular, but a […]

God please bestow an I sincere love


Crowd, I find his true love. Still exist? Road injuries in I, fortunately, I can use my language on my heart feelings. Whether or not, I love you for your indifference. Your smile, your tears. Who M […]