


閉上雙眼許一個願 BGM:End Of May{Keren Ann} close your eyes and roll a dice. 閉上雙眼擲一枚骰子. under the board there’s a compromise. 平靜之下洶湧著妥協. if […]

I Have A Dream


I Have A Dream I say to you today, my friends so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rotted in the American dream. 今天,我要告訴你—&m […]

The Zen of Cat


The Zen of Cat 原來很大的道理不一定需要很難的語言去解釋,本文簡單地一問一答告訴我們,當身邊的人離去時,他們其實活在我們的心裏;告訴我們,生命原本是一個無所謂開始更無所謂結束的圓圈;告訴我們,每一段生 […]

勵誌美文:We Can Succeed


. However, he completed his work at Harrow, went on to the University, and then had a successful career in the British Army, touring both Africa and India. He later was elected prime minister. After b […]

A new type of world disorder


Today's disorder stems not so much from conflicts between the big powers as from other problems all say they want to solve: failed states, terrorism, proliferation and the chaotic Middle East. Their p […]