英文用於賀卡的祝福語:Celebration Card


Birthday & General
Happy birthday to you. Be happy and enjoy your life.

Have a happy day! Happy birthday my dear friend.

I'm sorry that I cannot be there for your birthday. However, my heart is always with you.

I'm sorry that I can't share this joy with you. I wish you happiness on your birthday.

I always hope to see your bright smile. Congratulations on your birthday.

I wish for a thousand days with you! Always dream with me.

I hope to be with you again, and I send my wishes for every happiness on your birthday.

Congratulations! I wish you health and good luck.

I love you. Happy Birthday!

May God bless you on your birthday.

The mercy of Buddha will always be with you.

Celebrate your birthday. I wish health and happiness to your family.

I'm really sorry that I can't share this joy with you, and I send my best wishes on your birthday.

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相關的標簽:英文 用於 賀卡 祝福語 Celebration

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