

you're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here and i'm nevergoing to see it again.別告訴我一就這樣走出去而我卻再也看不到它了。(紋身店的老板對michael的紋身讚不絕口)
  there's good chance of that ,yes極有可能,沒錯。
  sir, you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag.don't youthink it would bebetter...?先生,你的包裏已經有50萬刀了,你不覺得...(趕緊閃)比較好麽?(比較搞笑,連銀行職員都開始幫壞人出主意了)
  this is the police ,you are completely surrounded。put down yourweapon,put down your weaponnow 我們是警察,你已經被完全包圍了。馬上放下武器(個人覺得ms在這裏把槍往地上一丟的那個動作很帥。。。)
  rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest我們很少見到在持槍搶劫案中主動要求不用辯護的。
  perhaps you should heed your representation's advice.take someadditional time to consider your response.也許你應該聽你代理人的意見,再花店時間考慮一下你的答複。
  we've been over this 我們不會再談論這個了
  i've known you my entire life我認識你這麽多年you don't have a violent bone in your body你的骨子裏根本就沒有暴力。
  i would ask counsel to refrain from interrupting me 請辯護律師不要打斷我。
  sentence to be carried out immediately.判決立即執行。(ms“順利入獄”)
all wings,guard coming out. 警衛各就各位。
  i'm telling you ,the guard are the dirtiest thing in the wholeplace.the only difference between us and them is thebadge.告訴你吧,警衛是這裏最肮髒的團夥,我們跟他們的唯一區別就是有沒有徽章。(裏麵有些警衛的確不是甚麽好鳥)
  i'm looking for someone,guy named lincon burrows.我在找一個叫lincon burrows 的人。
  why you wanna see burrows so bad anyhow?為什麽你這麽想見這個叫burrows的人?
  because he's my brother.因為他是我哥哥。
  but how did they get it wrong then?the courts, theappeals...但是他們怎麽會弄錯呢?法院,還有上訴...(lincon對michael發誓說沒有殺人,michale含淚問他哥哥。誰知道這後麵有多大的一個陰謀)
  don't know.all i keep thinking, looking back on it ,uh...i was set up.不知道,每當我回想事情的經過,嗯...我是被陷害的
  i'm proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.告訴你我在向我女朋友求婚,如果你想知道的話
  in a letter? 用信?you got a better way?你還有更好的方法麽?
  face-to-face works pretty good.麵對麵的話成功率很高哦。(scure絕對是個癡情男)
abruzzi,i need you to hire me a pi. 阿布,我要你雇用我進pi。
  beat it(?不清楚具體是什麽意思,望高手指點。汗,這是老大出場的第一句台詞)
  you got nothing i need.你那沒我想要的東西。
  wouldn't be too sure of that.別太肯定了。(這時候ms拿出一個紙鶴給阿布)
  my mistake. just what i need ... a duck? 我的錯,我要的是……一隻鴨子?
  tattoo looks fresh. 紋身剛紋了沒多久吧。(美女醫生出場,ps:原來fresh還可以這麽用)
  m:what? dr: nothing.that was just my senior quote. m:that wasyou?this whole time ,i was thinking it was gandhi. (michaelscofield為了得到醫生的信任花了不少心思,他在入獄前就知道了美女醫生的座右銘是甘地曾說過的一句話。從這個橋段看,ms泡mm還是很有一手的嘛)
  "trust me" means absolutely zero inside these walls.在這圍牆裏 相信我 這三個字完全等於零
  he's got a lot of influence with the governor.他跟地方官的關係很鐵。
  michael. why?
  i'm getting you out of here。(兄弟倆在獄中相見)
  top of your class at loyola,magna cum laude,in fact.i can't helpwondering what someone with your credentials is doing in a place likethis.loyola 大學的優等生,以優異成績畢業。我實在搞不懂想你這樣的人怎麽會到這裏來。(獄長出場,感覺他象一個慈祥的父親)
son, it's better for me to owe you one in here than you to owe meone. i can promise youthat.孩子,我保證在這裏我欠你一個人情比你欠我一個人情要好很多。(scofield拒絕了監獄長要他幫忙做泰姬陵模型的請求,監獄長很不高興)
  it's pretty obvious to me you need some guidance.很明顯你需要有人管教了。(lincon的兒子lj居然去販賣毒品)
  you have got too much potential to be screwing up your life like this.你會有太多的方法(潛力)來毀掉你的生活。
  it's not luck of the draw that you're in here with lincoln.
  the evidence was cooked.那些證據都是假的。(cook?)
  what is it about the burrows situation that i can help you with?關於burrows的案件我可以幫你們什麽忙?
  you have a habit of ansewering a question with aquestion.你習慣用問題來回答問題and you have a way of asking questions that begmore questions.你習慣用問題來問出更多問題。(特工為了盡早害死burrows,去找主教,主教與其針鋒相對)
  i heard you are d.b. cooper.我聽說你就是dbcooper。 every new fish comes inhere,first thing they hear is that charles westmoreland isdbcooper.每個新來的菜鳥進來聽到的第一件事就是charleswestmoreland是dbcooper。(傳奇人物dbcooper出場,他留在外麵的500萬成了第2季的主線)
behavior like thath will not be tolerated in my prison我的監獄可不能容忍這種行為。(michael為了進pi跟阿布老大衝突,引起了一場騷亂,獄長如是說 )


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